Have you ever wondered what a
Tudor Revival is? Maybe the difference between a
Craftsman Bungalow and a
California Bungalow? Check out the new page I put on my
Historic Districts of Phoenix of
Architectural Styles of homes in the Phoenix Historic Districts so while looking at homes, you can educate yourself about what you're looking at. Older neighborhoods have been getting more and more popular in the last 20 years. Phoenix, being a relatively young city, doesn't have much built before 1900 and our historic districts are minimum. The residence are committed to preserve and restore the homes and are created new dynamic neighborhood with 1930's charm.
Modern neighborhoods with cookie cutter homes are attractive but lack the individual interests and personalities of the residence. Added to that is the expense and time-consuming commute and pollution causes many to reconsider the benefits of living close to the urban center which earlier in the city's history offered skilled craftsmanship and distinctive architectural styles that were abandoned years ago.
These neighborhoods and residence reflect individual interests and presonalities. Residence enjoy the history of Phoenix through expression in their homes. Many are remodeled interiors but the homes retains their original design and architecture. All you need is some 1930's cars on the street and you could step back in time on some streets. Enjoy the Historic Districts of Phoenix on
www.AZNativeProperties.com then take a drive or join the district when they have their home tour and see the beauty inside the house.